Saturday 12 September 2015

Its A Family Thing

The UK summer which consists of 5% sun (including overall temperatures reaching above 10 degrees), 95% rain, hail.  Basically anything that shouldn't be in this season we all look forward to.

Unfortunately over the past few months two of my younger relatives have also developed allergies, restaurants beware when we all come for a family dinner! The eldest out of the two went into anaphylaxis one lunch break in the Cafe they were working in.  After a trip to the hospital and a referral to the allergy clinic it was confirmed allergies to certain nuts but peanuts being the main culprit. Back to uni armed with an Epi Pen,  Into a new world of excessively reading food labels, triple checking menu's and hoping allergies are not taken for a dislike to certain food; of course a worried mother left behind!

A few months later I have a text from another relative describing contact dermatitis around the eyes.  The wait for the allergy clinic would be 2 years on the NHS but with this reaction not being life threatening they are going private.  They had been suffering it for over 6 months,  I have no idea how they manged to cope with it for so long, it makes you want to peel your own skin off! I suppose being british we will put up with complaints with a stiff upper lip and all that! Daft when most of the these issues can be dealt with fuss free.

We all live near industrial areas and pollution has been blamed for many conditions over the years.    Cleaner energy, recycling and less pollution are definitely the key to better living.  I am not preaching here, I could personally do better on all of these things.  Not wasting food, making sure that everything used is recyclable.  We do recycle but the devil called convenience has become more important than a healthy lifestyle.  I am guilty of living close to my work (which would take approx 35 mins to walk) I take the car to have that time extra in bed. So far my contribution has been vegi hair dye, turning off the lights when rooms are not in use and washing clothes at 30 degrees and recycling most of our waste. even though you can develop allergies at any point in your life but deep down I know that smoking, drinking and not making the effort to have healthy meals all the time contribute heavily to the severity of my allergic reactions .  My excuse, OAS stops me from eating healthy - pathetic! Getting spoilt at work I'm lazy with food,  treating myself to hot buttered toast every morning and lunch are not healthy choices either but I will never give up the toast!!  I do not contribute to the cooking at home, I really hate this because the more I talk about it the more I am realising that I am a lazy crap head.  My husband loved to cook and my god he is good and makes nutritious meals.  Not me I do it when I am asked and it comes out of the freezer! I need to take responsibility and act my friggin age.

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