Saturday 21 February 2015

Hello Contact Dermatitis

  Being comfortable in the knowledge that winter would provide a nice holiday from pollen attacks, I thought my allergies would be a doddle to manage. Oh I was wrong!  My first experience of contact dermatitis was two years ago.

Every Christmas at work we have a real tree which I enjoy helping to decorate.  Nothing beats a real Christmas tree, lit with colourful lights, glittering decorations and the sweet smell of pine.  Unaware that the tree, an accomplice to my OAS would make my eyelids red raw.  Leaving sticky, weeping, sore, itchy skin. Not really the look you are going for when you are dealing with Jo Public!

A couple of days later a colleague mentioned how after listening to a radio show he had learned that there had been an increase in allergic reactions to pine, especially over Christmas.  After visiting my GP he confirmed I had contact dermatitis and pine was probably to blame.  So while the tree was around I took my antihistamine, kept away from the it and made sure I washed my hands straight away if I came into direct contact.

The worst attack of Contact dermatitis so far was a month ago, on the top half of my chest, underarm and neck. I have no idea what I reacted to.  A nightmare to control and at it's very worst I have thought "I want to peel my skin off, someone hand me a potato peeler, stat!".
Dramatic I hear you say and I agree but my god the itch is relentless.  You will scratch no matter how much determination, and self control you have.  Just to make it even more unbearable your skin has the heat of sunburn.  Covering my chest, underarms and neck, the only solution? To sit there half naked, covered in emollient and steroid cream, which I reapply constantly.

When dermatitis appears on your underarms, it's a whole different ball game.  Your armpit is lovely and warm with the addition of sweat and hair, creating an aggravated mess. Infection can set in easily.  Making it so angry and sore, knocking you sick to your stomach.

Visiting my GP, I begged for anything to make it stop.  I couldn't sleep, couldn't wear deodorant, shave my arm pits and going to work was a nightmare! Well i'm not at home and I can't sit there half naked smothered in emollient cream.  Your clothes rub and being a woman wearing a bra is the perfect agitator.

After religiously applying my creams and steroids for five long weeks, I have only two tiny spots left.        

Spring has sprung early

We have had another mild winter this year in the UK, spring has come early.  Fantastic, it's my favorite season however, birch and grass pollen are my nemesis! Birch pollen invades from march until June followed by grass pollen May to September.  On a walk this afternoon with my husband and pooches I was greeted by birch pollen everywhere.  So folks its confirmed the UK birch season has also started early.  Becoming a little more experienced I feel more prepared.  As soon as my skin starts to itch especially around my eyes, straight to the sink I go and wash it. Have an antihistamine and make sure I am always stocked up on my emollients and steroid creams.

All of us are different, if you have a skin condition or you think you might have, always seek advice from a professional before you go dabbling or experimenting with different products.

You don't want to go make it worse!

Lotions and Potions

I struggle with toiletries and have to buy sensitive, paraban free stuff.  I quickly realised that it is expensive and finding a product that was relatively cheap was difficult.  But I found a fantastic range that is available from most UK supermarkets and is so reasonably priced, I had a little celebration when I discovered this particular product.

Sanex Zero%

Sanex Zero% I salute you! Your product is well priced and there is a good selection of deodorants, shower gels and bubble bath.  No parabens, colourants Phthalates, phenoxyethanol, has the European Eco-Label and is biodegradable.  So for me it ticks all the boxes and have stuck to it like glue.

There are so many different creams and lotions available.  I have come to rely on a few different products.


 Oilatum a well known brand for dry skin conditions.  So when my skin is in dire straights this is the product I go for.  The emollient cream is lovely and cooling, mositurises your skin really well.  It has a really thick creamy consistency and you can apply a large amount and it stays put.  It has a pleasant smell even thought there is no perfume added.

The Shower gel smells lovely to and soothes the itch and keeps a conditioning barrier on my skin.  Be careful it becomes slippy underfoot, which cannot be helped but you need to take care getting out of your shower and give it a clean afterwards. The shower gel gives me a moisture boost for when i'm at work, unable to reapply emollient cream as frequently at home.

I find after using the cream and the shower gel over a period of time your skin becomes very greasy.  Overall though it is a brilliant product and don't know what I would do with out it.  I get this on prescription but it is also reasonably priced and available from supermarkets and chemists.  I even found the cream in Home Bargains, winner!


I get Dermol antimicrobial emollients on prescription.  It is easily absorbed but effectively moisturises without leaving a greasy or oily feel to your skin.  I currently use the shower and cream emollient which can also be used as a soap alternative.  Diomed Developments  antimicrobials in Dermol products combat Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus colonisation levels are especially high in atopic skin), and consequently reduce the itchy inflammatory reaction to the bacterial superantigenic exotoxins.  
So with the added bonus of infection prevention Dermol is my all rounder,  10/10!

If you have recommendations of your own please feel free to leave a comment :)

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